


得益于一带一路的发展成就,以及上海合作组织合作的不断加深。俄罗斯是一带一路重要的国家支点,也是重要的投资国之一。中俄之间具有广泛的合作空间,在多个领域都存在着互补。 俄罗斯多个领域亟待发展,中国也在多个领域存在着产能过剩的情况,所以如何能准确的选定投资目的地,准确的找到投资契合点就显得尤为重要。 俄罗斯是一百多个民族聚居的多民族国家。85 个联邦主体都各具特色,情况也是千差万别。甚至政策和法律都存在 着较大的差异。如何能有效的规避投资风险,需要专业的咨询来应对。 7500KM 投资咨询服务公司,通过多年的积累,在对俄罗斯情况作了大量工作的情况下,基于数据和多年投资咨询的经验,为您的提供贴身定制的咨询服务。

Global market is challenging small and big companies to provide more efficiency while reducing their costs to stay competitive. Handling this process can be very hard and demanding. That's why companies can benefit of high skilled, wide experience finance consulting firm which will guide them in creating strategies and management that will lead to cost reduction and increased performance of finance processes.

We work for both small and large companies and individuals that need professional finance consulting. We have wide experience in fundamental analysis, market analysis, sector analysis, company analysis and stock selecting.

You are finance consulting expert or want to become one of them? Then please submit your CV and cover letter through job application for on our careers page as we are always looking for fresh talent to join our team.

Fundamental analysis is process in which we analyze company of your interest and it's financial status and potential, which provides us a good base for investment decision making.

Market analysis is a process of analyzing the market state and stock value movement in order to predict future market trends.

One of the first steps for investment research is sector analysis. By sector analysis we mean deep research of each business sector of interest, it's current market state and growth potential and according to that, the most profitable sector for future investments.

When you want to invest in some company stocks first you need to do is company analysis. We will analyze the company of your interest and their financial potential and stock movement, to help you make good future investment decisions.