项目地址: 俄罗斯亚马尔半岛
项目类型: 旅游开发类项目
项目简介: 俄罗斯亚马尔地区旅游开发项目
合作公司: 俄罗斯亚马尔地区
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亚马尔在涅涅茨语中,意为"天涯海角"。俄罗斯中西部低地,位于西伯利亚西北部,西临喀拉海(Kara Sea)和拜达拉塔 湾(Baydarata Bay),东部和东南部濒鄂毕湾,北部傍马雷金海峡(Malygina Strait)。长700公里(435哩),最宽 处240公里(150哩),面积122000平方公里(47100平方哩)。沿海大部是低平的沙岸;内陆地势向南升高,最高处海 拔90公尺(300呎),由于海相和冰川沉积物的影响,地貌复杂。河流极少。西海岸发现有大型天然气田,已在哈拉萨维 ( Kharasavey)开采天然气。
Crafting competitive business strategy
Defining business strategy implementation and execution plan
Detailed activities in business functions and process optimization that supports new business strategy
New marketing and branding strategy creation and implementation
Business functions and processes optimization
Clear company vision and steps to achieve that vision
Defined performance matrix for management and control of conducted activities
Better understanding of customer needs and overall customer experience.